Saturday, April 12, 2008

I write of the first two often
but our story is so complicated
your the middle one
and like the youngest two
you believe strongly
and you can't see past
your strong beliefs
even when you might lose friends
you still secretly believe you were right all along
and your tongue can lash the most painful of wounds
yet I love you
you keep yourself out there
in this world
something that I can never/could never do
like Ellicia I tend to isolate myself and hide just a little
but I watch you
and in watching you; I live
your love is phenomenal
your utter disregard for others' feelings formidable
it is okay to break something apart if you love it
you believe this with all your heart
and it's okay to lose your temper
it's okay to open your mouth and insert foot
and perhaps your right
because your in it
you live your life
and you are honest
to a fault
and I can never ever cease to be amazed by you
although Barbara was my childhood favorite;
she who was lost by the thunderstorm we know as Clint
your my adult favorite
I adore you

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